Financial and Resource Suggestions 
Click the pinks links to find out more about each organization.
*Please note that BCSN is not affiliated with any of these programs and does not specifically endorse them.  
 Good Rx
Free program that helps patients find the best price on their prescriptions at the pharmacies in their area. 

The Pink Fund
Provides 90-Day non-medical cost of living expenses to breast cancer patients in active treatment so they can focus on healing, raising families, and getting back to work. 877-234-PINK


The St. Vincent de Paul Society
 Helps people in need to not only survive their crisis- financial, medical, or personal- but to help get them back on their feet.  Fill out form online; they will direct appropriate person to contact you. 

The Pink Posse Foundation
Non-profit of local people serving local people in Coweta and Fayette counties during cancer treatment.  No website.  Email at    

 Real Life Center
Through Dogwoood Church, a one-year program designed to help families get back on their feet and encourage them to se goals for permanent change. 770-631-9334 

Loving Arms Cancer Outreach
 Provides financial assistance, support groups, and other programs in Bartow, Carroll, Cherokee, Cobb, Douglas, Paulding, and Pickens counties.  770-590-5153 

 American Cancer Society
For all types of cancer, provides access for referrals and financial assistance.  Local offices may offer more.  800-227-2345 

Cancer Care
 Counseling, support groups, education, and financial co-pay assistance. 800-813-HOPE or email at 

Cancer Care Co-Pay Assistance
Helping people afford insurance co-payments to cover the cost of chemotherapy and cancer medications.  866-55-COPAY

Patient Access Network Foundation
Assists metastatic breast cancer patients who cannot access needed treatments due to out of pocket costs like deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurance. 866-316-7263

Clayton County Community Services Authority
For charitable and educational purposes, uses public and private resources of Clayton County towards alleviation of poverty in Clayton county. 404-363-0575

The Salvation Army of Georgia 
Project SHARE attempts to target the most urgent need- utility bill, a part of a rent payment, or an emergency prescription.  770-441-6200

 Atlanta Cancer Care Foundation
Provides financial assistance to adult cancer patients in the 17 county Metro-Atlanta area (Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, Dawson, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Hall, Henry, Newton, Paulding, Rockdale, and Walton) 

Sisters Network Inc
 For African Americans only, provides programs and financial assistance for mammograms, co-pay, office visits, prescriptions, and medical related lodging.  866-781-1808 

Tigerlily Foundation
Funds for Families program offers financial assistance to young breast cancer patients (aged 15 - 45) based on need.  Payments made directly to medical providers.  888-580-6253

 The Samfund
2x a year, gives financial grants to young survivors (aged 21 - 39) to help pay medical bills, living expenses, student loans, reconstructive procedures, health insurance supplementation, and many other things.  617-938-3484

 Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition
 Helps find assistance from organizations providing financial and practical help for patients.  Just put in breast cancer and your zip code and it will give you options. 

Christina S. Walsh Breast Cancer Foundation
Supports treatments for uninsured patients, medications and tests not covered by insurance, transportation, and other finacial burdens.  732-853-7910

 DONNA CareLine
Provides assistance to those with no access or no care issues, insurance denials, transportation, and cost of living debt.  877-236-6626

Genevieve's Memorial Breast Cancer Recovery Grant
Provides financial assistance to an agreed upon stay somewhere for young mothers (40 or younger) who are diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time and in some stage of treatment.  516-500-3702

Good Days- Co-Pay Assistance
Provides financial assistance to those with chronic or life-altering diseases who cannot afford medication, need co-pay assistance, premium assistance, or travel expenses, or diagnostic testing like mammograms.  877-968-7233


 National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
(NBCCEDP)  Provides clinical breast exams and mammograms for women aged 40-64 with no insurance or whose insurance does not cover this.  Based on income.   

Patient Services, Inc MRI Financial Assistance Program for Young Women
Provides financial assistance for an MRI to determine breast cancer diagnosis.  Based upon family history or positive test for BRCCA gene.  800-366-7741 

Provision Project
Provides financial assistance to those diagnosed with breast cancer.  Applications accepted 1st - 10th each month.  Must be in active treatment and provide oncologist information. 

Remember Betty
 Provides financial assistance to individuals with breast cancer.  Only accept 5 - 10 people per month, and applications accepted from 1st - 7th each month.  Must provide letter from oncologist.


Susan G. Komen Greater Atlanta Sisters of Promise Grant Program 
Provides free breast cancer screening tests for African Americans at Piedmont Hospital.  Must be a resident of Fayette, Clayton, or South Fulton counties.  470-271-1625


Taylor and Tuck, LLC
Serving malpractice and personal injury victims in Georgia.  Will handle breast cancer misdiagnosis and malpractice suits.  678-369-7348

 Breast Cancer Freebies
Resource guide for all things breast cancer- from finacial assistance to transportation, medication, etc.


Women's Health Medicaid 
Pays for cancer treatments for women who have been diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer and cannot afford to pay for treatment.

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