The Breast Cancer
Survivors’ Network,
23 Eastbrook Bend, Suite 204F
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Office: 770-487-4396 Hours: 11 AM - 4 PM
Hope Line/Pink Prayer List
The Hope Line provides continuous one-on-one support from trained breast cancer survivors throughout their treatment and recovery.
"I can never express my appreciation for all that you
did to make me complete as a woman on the outside!'"
-Phyllis, Survivor

Our Pink Prayer List and local church prayer groups will put patients on their non-denominational daily prayer list upon request. Patients also receive a "Pillow of Hope" and handmade prayer cards, made by our very own volunteer survivors.
"Thank you for all the wonderful cards my mother received during the past few years. It always put a smile on her face when she received them." -Shiphrah, Survivor's daughter
Custom-made pillow cases for our patients on our Pink Prayer List.
Each patient receives a
volunteer-made Pink Prayer Card of Encouragement every month from a Breast Cancer Survivor
"To each of you and your awesome organization for your prayers, comfort & most of all your many words of encouragement! You gave me (as well as others) the incentive and hope to fight & never give up and I haven't! Though my journey isn't over, I do have the inner strength to push forward & fight our fight! So many of you, total strangers, don't realize just how wonderful cards can produce Awesome Energy I feel with each one received."
God Bless to Each of you!
Carolyn, Survivor
The Breast Cancer Survivors’ Network, Inc.,
(BCSN) is a Georgia non-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer-led organization that provides FREE programs,services, and medical supplies, as well as community outreach and education.